Saturday, April 9, 2016

Redefine Your Work Schedule.

As convenient as a 9 to 5 job might sound, there were aspects that made me reconsider my options, like almost an hour and a half on the road, not counting rush hours and on the other hand, gas, parking, lunch and coffee money together represented nearly 4 productive days and that money was not going to my pockets. With Type at home  I ended up being more productive, less stressed and more creative, which means a better version of myself for me and my kids.  I do what I love.

 In case you wonder what my passion is, languages and I vowed to learn as many as I could so that I could teach my children. Back in my teens when I first heard that a child could retain up to 7 languages if he was exposed to them, I felt awfully jealous, had the feeling that someone had wasted my early childhood brain and decided to work on that, not just for myself, but for my unborn children.  Feeling that learning the language would not be enough, decided to memorize nursery rhymes from around the world, that way my kids would learn in a more child friendly way. If it worked ? Absolutely !!!.  My oldest currently speaks 2 languages, understands 4 and is slowly learning mandarin.

I am a divorced mom of 2 kids under 2 and my situation, as precarious as it sounds, is by no means a reason to feel sorry about, because I’m devoted to my passion. And I tell you this so that you can stop making excuses. Doing what you love is not a privilege, stop telling yourself I’d do it if my situation was better, if I had the time, if I had a better income. Type at home is the answer.